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Have allergies, asthma, dry house, or a dusty home? Want to feel better? Get rid of those airborne dust and pollen particles. Kill the airborne germs and control the humidity. If your medical professional prescribes any of the following products, the IRS will allow a tax deduction for their installation and maintenance. Consult your tax professional for details. Below are a few examples of what we offer:

This air cleaner is the most efficient air cleaner in America and is up to 99.98% efficient. (Not like the Ironic Wheeze one room air cleaners) The Accu Clean mounts into the forced air heating system and will clean the entire home. And there is no extra filters or media to buy, just vacuum it out. Comes with a 10 year warranty.

This is the heat pump's best friend. National studies show that the average home in winter is drier than the Sahara Desert. Your home will feel better and germs will have less fun if your humidity is maintained at healthy levels. True Steam mounts into the forced air heating system to provide just the right amount of humidity to stop static electricity, dry nose, and feeling too cold because it is so dry.

This Ultra Violet light by RGF industries will kill airborne germs that make us sick. Tests reveal that they even kill the SARS virus. These lights are mounted into the duct system away from sensitive eyes and help clean your home to a new level.
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